Economic Services
大型单人/合家祈福法事 Largest single / family prayer
更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
开运升运招财法事 open money luck and charming blessing magic
帮助善信提升人缘与财运,同时也改善人缘与财运法事,非常受到大众欢迎与喜爱。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 It helps people to improve their、own charming and wealth, and it also improves its relationship with wealth and wealth. It is very popular and recommend by the public. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
Chiwok健康祈福法事 Chiwok Healthy Blessing
Chiwok鲁士是一位修医术的修行者,他拥有医疗、按摩、草药和治疗实践。Lersi Chiwok 是释迦牟尼佛的私人医生。凡是身体虚弱的善信都可以考虑做这个法事来改善自身健康。 The teacher of the Medical, Massage, Herbalist and Healing practices. Lersi Chiwok was the personal Physician of the Lord Buddha Sakyamuni. If your health is always not well you may try decide to have this kind of blessing service.
大众首选超度婴灵法事 No.1 Popular Choice Baby Ghost Pray
提供给曾经有堕胎/流产过的妈妈们的法事,婴灵超度法事。这项法事全面由Louis来为您进行,提供更完善与更贴心的服务。凡是曾经有堕过胎/流过产的妈妈们都比较建议向我们咨询个法事,有效帮助妈妈们改善运气不被婴灵影响自身运气与健康。 A ritual provided to mothers who have had abortions/abortions, and the rituals of baby ghost pray transcendence. This legal matter is fully carried out by Louis to provide you with better and more considerate services. All mothers who have had an abortion / miscarriage are more recommended to consult us for a ritual, which can effectively help mothers improve their luck and not be affected by infant spirits especially mother their luck and health.
升运+改运法事 The luck booster + change luck blessing Ritual
升运法事是帮助提升个人运气,运程,能够帮助个人做事情顺利,做生意一行丰顺。然而,同时运气又不好,这个时候就比较建议这这类型的法事。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 The ritual of luck booster is to help improve personal luck and fortune. It can help individuals do things smoothly and do business prosperously. However, with bad luck at the same time, this type of ritual is more recommended at this time. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
汽车开光 Vaccine blessing
为汽车提供开光仪式,保护车主出入驾驶平安,师傅会在车内和车外下咒语写经文,帮助车主驾驶平安, 招财,找吃容易。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 Provide car blessing service to help driver safety drive on the road, and implant spell and write incantation to help driver drive safely and easy find money. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
纹身加持灌顶 Tattoo add power
而鲁士灌顶,正是用泰巫祖师鲁士头的法相,通过施咒使其祖师下凡,再以鲁士头法相灌输在人的头顶之上,让祖师的法力贯彻全身,不但能将一切负能量清除,并且可以转运,得到祖师爷的庇佑。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 And the initiation of the Lersi is precisely the use of the magic of the head of the Ruth of the Thai ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor, and the infusion of the head of the head of the Russ on the top of the person's head, so that the ancestor's mana can implement the whole body. Negative energy is cleared and can be transported to get the protection of god. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
泰国纹身加持/请神进身 Thai tattoo blessing/invite god into body
凡是有纹过泰国符咒在身的珊信们,比较鼓励你们每6个月至1年的时间回来给师傅加持增加纹身法力。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 Those people who have tattooed Thai spells on them, encourage you to come back every 6 months to 1 year to bless masters and increase tattoo power. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
泰国古法看运程 Thai Traditional Fortune
准确预知您的过去和未来 Correctly Know Your Passed and Future Life 钱财问题, 小人陷害, 人缘不佳, 上司不合 生意惨败, 邪灵骚扰, 家居风水, 中降头。。。等等问题 都能为您提供泰国最顶端法科法事来解决您的问题 立马询问。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 Money Problem, Scumbags Problem, Lace of Self Charming, Office Problem… Business Problem, Ghost Disturb, House Feng Shui Problem, Black Magic Remove… and others problem We can provide you the TOP Best powerful Thai Magic to help you reduce those problem. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
泰国古法打金针 Thai traditional Gold Needle
在这个年代要找到真正掌握打金针的师傅寥寥可数,金针入体能在短时间内令善信在整体运气,人缘,财运等各方面都起改善而迅速蹿红。 金针施入头顶—金针护体避免凶险意外! 两臂入招财金针—抓住机遇和财运! 额头入针—人见人爱,人缘好. 更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 In this era, there are very few masters who can truly did the golden needle. The golden needle's physical ability makes people improve in all aspects of luck, popularity, wealth and other aspects such as in a short period make a person able become famous and charming. The golden needle provide to body protects against dangerous accidents! It also help improve lucky money the opportunity and fortune! For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
鸟窝鸟蛋爱情合和法事 Bird Egg Love Magic
凡是遇到爱情运程不佳的善信,或是和另一半出现感情问题的善信,可以选择考虑选择做爱情合和法事。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 For those who having love problem with couple, such as almost breakup, unrequited love, single love, divorce problem and so on. we encourage those who are facing this kind of problem please enquire with us immediately. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
升运法事 The luck booster blessing Ritual
升运法事是帮助提升个人运气,运程,能够帮助个人做事情顺利,做生意一行丰顺。这个法事制作过程需要米,红蜡烛,黄蜡烛,银钱,圣水,蛋,酒,等等,来为善信提升个人运气。更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 The ritual of luck booster is to help improve personal luck and fortune. It can help individuals do things smoothly and do business prosperously. The process of making this ritual requires rice, red candles, yellow candles, silver coins, holy water, eggs, wine, etc., to enhance personal luck for the faithful. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.
娜娜通 富贵脸法事 NakNak Thong Wealthy Face Ritual
娜娜通 富贵脸法事功效是提升您个人的人缘,去到哪里都遇到贵人相 ,增加财运 如果是做销售行业的更应该选择这项法事, 同时有着超强财运和超强人缘,可帮助善信拓展生意人脉,事业运提升。 单身者更应该做这个法事,因为有助增加自己的爱情运 拥有人缘吸引更多追求者。 The effect of Naknak Thong's wealthy face ritual is to enhance your personal popularity. You will meet nobles wherever you go and increase your wealth. If you are in the sales industry, you should choose this ritual. At the same time, it has super wealth and popularity, which can help the trustworthy expand the business network and improve the career fortune. Singles people should do this ritual, because it helps increase their love fortune and attract more people.
除小人/拉胡法事 Rahu blessing Magic
胡拉胡法事有效助于招财运,除霉运,挡事非官非,最主要防小人 小人多的特别合适!生活不顺除霉运升好运,运势好的可以巩固运势更好,使爱情桃花家庭婚姻更佳,拉胡天神是小人和霉运的克星,佩戴拉胡天神可以防小人作怪,可以在运势不好的时候有贵人相助,可以破除风水煞气,破除流年不利化解太岁克制小人,提升运势,避是非,除业障,保平安身体健康等. 更多详情请马上联络我们的专页或是邮件给我。 Rahu are effective in helping with improve fortune, good luck, and non-official matters. The most important thing is to prevent villains/bad people/evil. When your life is not smooth, bad luck, make love peach family marriage better, Rahu blessing magic to help you, you can break the feng shui and shame, break the bad years and dissolve the too old to restrain the villain, improve the fortune, avoid the right and wrong, remove the karma, keep the body healthy, etc. For more information details please direct enquire via our Facebook Page and Email us.