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Kuala Lumpur, December 9, 2024 – LOUIS THAI International Group Sdn Bhd (commonly known as LOUIS THAI International) proudly announces the release of the revamped version of its company theme song. This latest rendition introduces an extended bridge, adding depth to the song’s already inspiring and emotive melody. The song, which has become synonymous with the company’s values and vision, now carries even more meaning through its enhanced lyrics.
The theme song reflects the essence of LOUIS THAI International’s journey, showcasing themes of innovation, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The extended bridge offers a poetic expression of the company’s mission to connect with its global audience, emphasizing inclusivity and collaboration. With a melody that resonates deeply and lyrics that inspire, the song captures the brand’s essence and aspirations.
The updated track is now available for public listening on YouTube. To experience the artistry and immerse yourself in its powerful lyrics, visit the official music video here: LOUIS THAI International Theme Song.
A Call to Listeners
LOUIS THAI International invites everyone to not only enjoy the melody but also delve into the deeper meaning behind the lyrics. The song is more than just an anthem; it is a narrative of growth, unity, and ambition that reflects the company’s journey and its dreams for the future. By listening, viewers are encouraged to discover the message of perseverance and positivity that lies within each verse.
Join LOUIS THAI International in celebrating this musical milestone and let the lyrics inspire you.
LOUIS THAI International 推出全新主题曲延伸版本传递品牌精神
吉隆坡,2024年12月9日 —— LOUIS THAI International Group Sdn Bhd(简称:LOUIS THAI International)正式推出公司主题曲的全新版本。本次更新添加了延伸歌词桥段,赋予歌曲更多情感和深度,进一步诠释了企业的核心价值与远大愿景。
这首主题曲不仅是企业文化的象征,更通过音乐展现了LOUIS THAI International对创新、坚韧和卓越的追求。新增的歌词桥段表达了公司与全球客户建立联系的愿景,强调包容与合作的精神。旋律激昂感人,歌词饱含力量,深刻传递了品牌的内涵与未来发展的决心。
主题曲现已上线,欢迎通过以下链接欣赏官方音乐视频:LOUIS THAI International 官方主题曲。
LOUIS THAI International 邀请广大听众不仅沉浸于旋律,更深入感受歌词中蕴含的深刻意义。这首歌曲不仅仅是一首企业之歌,更是一部讲述成长、团结和雄心的音乐篇章,反映了公司一路走来的故事及对未来的美好期许。
加入LOUIS THAI International,共同感受这音乐的力量,让歌词成为激励您生活的源泉!
LOUIS THAI International 推出重新編曲嘅公司主題曲 延長歌詞橋段展現品牌願景
吉隆坡,2024年12月9日 — LOUIS THAI International Group Sdn Bhd(簡稱:LOUIS THAI International)隆重推出全新改版嘅公司主題曲。新版歌曲特別加入咗延長歌詞橋段,令成首歌更富有情感同層次感,完美展現公司嘅核心價值同遠大願景。
呢首公司主題曲一直以嚟都係LOUIS THAI International品牌精神嘅象徵,今次嘅新版本通過延長歌詞橋段,以更細緻嘅方式傳達公司同全球客戶建立聯繫嘅目標,並強調包容同合作嘅重要性。歌曲旋律深入民心,歌詞內容激勵人心,充分體現LOUIS THAI International對創新同卓越嘅承諾。
新主題曲而家已經喺YouTube平台上線,歡迎即刻點擊呢條連結嚟欣賞:LOUIS THAI International 官方主題曲。
LOUIS THAI International誠意邀請大家唔單止欣賞音樂嘅旋律,更加細味歌詞背後隱藏嘅深層意義。呢首唔單止係一首企業之歌,更加係一部音樂史詩,講述住企業嘅成長、團結同遠大志向。歌詞從多個角度闡述堅毅同奮進嘅精神,同時向聽眾傳遞公司對未來美好藍圖嘅信念。