今天,分享一篇关于 36支香所带来的奇迹!这是 LOUIS 亲身经历与体会的 36支香的奇迹!你们也可以在家 try 一下哦。In-line with LOUIS 的客户们,LOUS 都曾经教过你们不一样的方式来让生活变得更好,当中就包括了 36 支香的秘方!
听到 “香” 就联想到在家里面的神台求拜神佛的时,但是,今天要分享这个独特案例不是在家求拜神佛,也不是到寺庙拿香膜拜。那么又会是 拿香来干嘛呢?
在还没开始之前,麻烦您先将文章分享出去 WhatsApp 群里,Facebook群里和朋友分享今天这则有趣的 “独特的做法”。
123马上进入重点!事情要回到2021年,当时 LOUIS 的师傅有教 LOUIS 使用 36支香来求事,让 LOUIS 心想事成,顺顺利利。当时 LOUIS 并问道,在家的神坛面前拿 36 支香来求事吗?师傅说到:“不是拜家里的神,而是对着天空拜!” LOUIS 当下也蒙了,无端端干嘛对着天空拜呢?
经过一番的了解后,今天就让 LOUIS 来为您揭晓 36支香背后的秘密与奥妙!与任何宗教都无关,但关系到 “宇宙”。
如果我们曾经对 “人-事-物” 发过誓,但却没赴行承诺。我们可采用,请求 16 个天堂和 15 个地球天使的宽恕。我们可以请求宽恕。如果我们不知道或不了解我们前世所做过的事情。但最好的方法是我们应该祈求宽恕。那么我们的生活将会更加美好。
(我已经做到了,并且立即看到了结果,生活按顺序变得更好 感恩)
Disclaimer: The information contained in this news, articles, pictures, sentences, videos, and brochures is subject to change and cannot form part of an offer or contract. All renderings are artist’s impression only. All renderings of words are approximate. While every reasonable care has been taken in preparing this information, the Company cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources that we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, but we do not guarantee it. While every reasonable care has been exercised in preparing this information, the material herein is intended as a guide only and cannot form part of the contract. All ideas, wordings, sentences, pictures are artist’s impressions only. All the items are subject to variations. modifications and substitutions as may be required by the Authorities or recommended by the Professional Advisor. Prospective purchasers are requested to take such action as may be necessary to satisfy yourselves on any pertinent matter. Once again, please noted that all the above items are subject to variations, modifications and substitutions as may be required by the Authorities or get the recommended by the Professional Advisor.